The Conspiracy: Assassination in Beirut

Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change

Film Screening followed by Q&A with Michael Taylor, former Chief of Investigations for the UN’s Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

Michael has more than 30 years’ experience as a police detective, and has led many high-risk international counterterrorism investigations. As Chief of Investigations for the UN’s Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Michael led a 75-person team of detectives, analysts and lawyers to investigate the attack which killed Rafic Hariri. He started his career with the London Metropolitan Police, where he worked his way up to the rank of Detective Chief Superintendent. He was appointed as Scotland Yard’s Head of Intelligence, where he oversaw the complex investigation into the 7/7 bombings in London, and coordinated an investigation into a terrorist plot against the British Royal Family.

The assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri in a massive car bomb in Beirut on Valentine’s Day 2005 sends shockwaves through the Middle East. With a rolodex of international contacts, the murder of this billionaire-turned-statesman known as ‘Mr Lebanon’ triggers a massive investigation. But the terrorists behind his murder have done everything to hide their tracks. With all the twists of a dark conspiracy thriller, this feature documentary follows the complex investigation to track down his killers.