OCRN Annual Lecture: A mosaic of solutions for frontline communities: People-centered, operationally relevant ways to address adverse climate change impacts
As climate change impacts unfold rapidly worldwide, people-centered and operationally relevant ways to support frontline communities become increasingly important. Saleemul Huq worked tirelessly to this aim, and for those who had the privilege of working with him in Bangladesh, in Least Developed Countries, in academia and with civil society, and with governments, we have benefitted from his legacy. Saleemul and many gathered here today and across the world contributed to progress under the UNFCCC process to establish funding arrangements including a fund to address adverse climate change impacts. As the new fund takes shape and a high level dialogue will make recommendations on funding arrangements, what directions are needed to address needs and provide solutions?

This event is held in memory of Saleemul Huq OBE (1952 – 2023), an acclaimed climate change researcher and campaigner who worked tirelessly to centre the needs of frontline communities. Saleemul was the director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development in Bangladesh and a “titan of the climate movement”.

Speaker bio: Dr Koko Warner is the Director of the International Organization for Migration’s Global Data Institute. Prior to this, Koko worked in the United Nations for over 16 years on climate change and migration, and climate risk management. Koko supervises the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) workstreams on climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and risk policy in the adaptation division.
Date: 30 April 2024, 16:00 (Tuesday, 2nd week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Trinity College, Broad Street OX1 3BH
Venue Details: Auditorium, Levine Building
Speaker: Dr Koko Warner (International Organization for Migration’s Global Data Institute)
Organising department: School of Geography and the Environment
Organiser: Heather Waller (Oxford Climate Research Network)
Organiser contact email address: ocrn@earth.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://forms.office.com/e/aDpkY3f6uH
Booking email: ocrn@earth.ox.ac.uk
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Heather Waller