Data Learning: Integrating Data Assimilation and Machine Learning for reliable AI models

This work fits into the context of digital twins, which are usually made of two components: a model and some data. When developing a digital twin, many fundamental questions exist, some connected with the data and its reliability and uncertainty, and some to do with dynamic model updating. To combine model and data, we use Data Assimilation (DA). DA is the approximation of the true state of some physical system by combining real-world observations with a dynamic model. DA models have increased in sophistication to better fit application requirements and circumvent implementation issues. Nevertheless, these approaches are incapable of fully overcoming their unrealistic assumptions. Machine Learning (ML) shows great capability in approximating nonlinear systems and extracting meaningful features from high-dimensional data. ML algorithms can assist or replace traditional forecasting methods. However, the data used during training in any ML algorithm include numerical, approximation and round off errors, which are trained into the forecasting model. Integration of ML with DA increases the reliability of prediction by including information in real time and with a physical meaning. This talk introduces Data Learning, a field that integrates Data Assimilation and Machine Learning to overcome limitations in applying these fields to real-world data. We present several Data Learning methods and results for some test cases, though the equations are general and can easily be applied elsewhere.