🎥 Webinar 6: Education and the Economics of Mutuality
- Wednesday 21st April, 10:00-11:00 EDT, 15:00-16:00 BST, 23:00-24:00 SGT
- Speakers: Marie Laure Salles, Ann Florini, Jay Jakub, Colin Mayer
- How can we update teaching curricula and research agendas at schools and universities to align with the context and challenges of today’s world? Focussing on chapters 2, 3, and 6.
🔹 Unique Zoom link: sbsox.zoom.us/j/94201240354?pwd=UkgySVF3c09zMHdiY3o3aDNoZHZZQT09
(If needed, the Zoom Passcode is 897605)
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