Proline biosynthesis in eukaryotes – the importance of the cellular environment on compartmentalised metabolic

Dan is the Principal Investigator of the Hypoxia and Metabolism research group in the College of Medicine and Health at the University of Birmingham. His research is aimed at enhancing our understanding of the flexibility of the cellular metabolic network in health and disease, and how this flexibility allows cells to maintain critical functions when nutrient supply is limiting.
Dan set his lab up at the University of Birmingham in 2011, and followed this in 2017 by building a collaborative research facility, the Metabolic Tracer Analysis Core (MTAC), which specialises in analyses of metabolic pathway activity by tracing the use of stable isotope-enriched nutrients within cells or tissues. His research is currently funded from multiple sources including Cancer Research UK, BBSRC, the Little Princess Trust and the Paradifference Foundation.