Arrivals from 0900 for a prompt 09.30 start. Plenaries with John Paul Lederach (University of Notre Dame), Thania Paffenholz (Inclusive Peace), Cedric de Coning (NUPI and ACCORD), and Phil Clark (SOAS). Session on multilevel infrastructures for peace: South Africa (Liz Carmichael, Oxford), Northern Ireland (Brandon Hamber, Ulster); Colombia (Andrei Gomez-Suarez, Winchester); Community Reconciliation in Iraq (Raja Karthileya, UN Dept of Peacebuilding and Political Affairs);and session on themes in peacebuilding: International support to local peacebuilding (Jonathan Cohen, Conciliation resources)); Peace Education (Julia Paulson, Bristol)), Peace psychology (Ufra Mir, Kashmir and SE Asia), Inclusion of Youth in Peacebuilding (Graeme Simpson, Interpeace USA). Closure between 17.45 and 18.00.