Ethics in AI Colloquium - Provably Beneficial Artificial Intelligence
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Abstract: In 1951, Alan Turing predicted the eventual loss of human control over machines that exceed human capabilities. I will argue that Turing was right to express concern but wrong to think that doom is inevitable. Instead, we need to develop a new kind of AI that is provably beneficial to humans. I will describe an approach — assistance games — that seems promising. On the horizon, however, are a number of open questions, some of them familiar to moral philosophers and government regulators and some of them new.
Date: 27 February 2025, 17:00 (Thursday, 6th week, Hilary 2025)
Venue: TBA
Speakers: Professor Stuart J Russell OBE (University of California), Professor Ruth Chang (University of Oxford)
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Host: Professor John Tasioulas (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
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Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Marie Watson, Lauren Czerniawska