Paternalism, Liberalism, Socialism (France and Britain, 19th Century)

FRIDAY 3rd June

13h30. Welcome

14h-15h30. Chair Tim Farrant (Oxford)

Andrew Counter (Oxford), Patriarcalorama: Balzac entre paternalisme et libéralisme

Ludovic Frobert (CNRS), La grande transformation: Paternalisme et socialisme chez George Sand

16h-18h. Chair Gareth Stedman Jones (Queen Mary, London)

Richard Whatmore (St. Andrews), The failure of the French Revolution and Early Nineteenth-Century Liberalism: A paternalist response?

Alexandra Hyard (Lille), Thierry Demals (Lille), Michel Bellet (St-Etienne), Industrialisme capacitaire vs paternalisme industriel chez Saint-Simon

Michael Drolet (Oxford), Manufacturing Consent: Capacity vs Democracy in the work of Michel Chevalier


9h30-11h. Chair Pietro Corsi (Oxford)

David Leopold (Oxford), Robert Owen’s ‘Socialism from Above’

Thomas Bouchet (Dijon), ‘A bas les pères’. Joseph Dejacque, liberté, antiautoritarisme

11h30-13h. Chair Joanna Innes (Oxford)

Tom Hopkins (Cambridge), Industry, Morality and Charles Dunoyer

Nicolas Eyguesier (Lausanne), Inégalité, industrialisme et théorie de la constitution sous la Monarchie de Juillet: Les Etudes sur les sciences sociales de Sismondi

14h30-16h. Chair Mark Philp (Warwick)

Anna Plassart (Open University), Religious Progress as Social Control: James Mill’s Plan for a State Religion

Christophe Salvat (CNRS), Mill and Paternalism: A Great Misunderstanding

16h15. Discussions et clôture du colloque