Webinar: Water meets mathematics
On behalf of the KE Hub for Mathematical Sciences (KE Hub) we would like to invite you to attend a lunchtime webinar on 8th Oct, (12:15 to 13:30) about the application of mathematical sciences to the Water sector.
This is the first in a series of sector-focused webinars bringing together mathematicians and businesses with the aim of catalysing connections and building collaborations. This will lead to understanding sector-specific challenges and where mathematicians could support companies to innovate and overcome their challenges.
The webinar format is informal and is intended to stimulate connections between the mathematicians and the company attendees.
12:15-12:20 – Welcome and Introduction
12:20-12:35 – Prof. Ian Griffiths – Removal of microplastics from washing machine wastewater; Arsenic contamination of water
12:35-12:50 – Dr. Phil Trinh – Getting the right answers for the right reasons: modelling, asymptotics, and foundations in flood modelling and water resources
12:50-13:00 – Audience Q&A for speakers
13:00-13:10 – Prof. Alan Champneys – Introducing the Knowledge Exchange Hub for Mathematical Sciences (KE Hub)
13:10-13:20 – Prof. Chris Budd (O.B.E) – Introducing the Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences (VKEMS) and inviting the submission of challenges for the up-coming virtual study group in November
13:20-13:30 – Audience Q&A re KE Hub and Virtual Study Groups
Next steps and Close

We welcome your participation and encourage you to register at this link. Please help us to spread the word about this webinar and share this email with your networks and beyond. Thank you.
We look forward to your joining us on 8th October!
Date: 8 October 2024, 12:15 (Tuesday, 0th week, Michaelmas 2024)
Venue: Venue to be announced
Speakers: Prof. Ian Griffiths (University of Oxford), Dr. Phil Trinh (University of Bath), Prof. Alan Champneys (University of Bristol), Prof. Chris Budd (University of Bath)
Organiser: Ian Griffiths (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: ian.griffiths@maths.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=RQSlSfq9eUut41R7TzmG6YyCWNHQVoJEqgFO91IvLQ1UMkIwSUNBQTdZMjA5UzlPOFBLNFE1WDc1Vi4u&route=shorturl
Audience: Public
Editor: Irina Gribanenkova