Ars Memoriae - Memory Studies Reading Group: Reading with Sally Bayley

The memory studies reading group, ‘Ars Memoriae,’ invites you all to the final event of the term: A reading with Sally Bayley. Dr Sally Bayley is an acclaimed author whose books explore the relationship between autobiography, biography, memoir, literary fiction. She’s the author of the auto/biographical trilogy which includes the volumes Girl with Dove (2018), No Boys Play Here (2021) and The Green Lady (2023): this tripartite coming-of-age narrative challenges traditional demarcations between literary categories to cast its own, unconventional form.
Sally will read and perform from her trilogy — join us for a discussion of memory, creativity, writing, and more!
(Please note that this event replaces the regular reading group session advertised earlier).

TORCH in association with OCLW and the Faculty of English