Critical Localism: Reflections on the Localisation of Humanitarian Action in Theory and (Research) Practice

About the talk:

The humanitarian sector’s localisation agenda acknowledges the central role of local actors in all phases of the humanitarian response. There exists a general consensus that localisation will make humanitarian action not only more efficient and effective, but also address power imbalances prevalent in the humanitarian system. Little consensus exists, however, on the very definition of the ‘local’ or best ways to implement localisation in practice. Critically engaging with the problematic conceptualisation of the ‘local’ in binary opposition to the ‘international’, the talk introduces critical localism as a framework for research on localisation. The talk then shares findings from research conducted in Italy (Lampedusa) and Bangladesh (Cox’s Bazar). It concludes with methodological questions that came up during field research and that point towards the need for a decolonial research practice.

About the series:

Localising’ refugee research and practice

Trinity Term 2021 Seminar Series

Convener: Dr Evan Easton-Calabria

This public seminar series aims to examine research on refugees and forced migration within the broader localisation agenda, as well as methodological attempts to ‘localise’ refugee research through co-creating and co-conducting research with refugees and local hosts. Through a blend of practically-, methodologically-, and theoretically-focused seminars, this series aims to present current research designs and methodologies involving refugee and local researchers, and the challenges and opportunities that lie therein, as well as theoretical work reflecting on issues of ethics and power. Concomitant with these discussions will be ongoing examinations of the relationship between advocacy and scholarship, and the extent to which both can and should be met together.