Workshop: ‘Egypt over the longue durée’
There is no fee but places are limited and registration is essential: .

For information see .
Date: 14 May 2016, 9:00 (Saturday, 3rd week, Trinity 2016)
Venue: Corpus Christi College, Merton Street OX1 4JF
Venue Details: Al Jaber Auditorium
Speakers: Hussein Omar, Dominic Rathbone (KCL), Nicolas Michel ( IFAO), Nelly Hanna (American University in Cairo), Lucie Ryzova ( Birmingham), Jeremy Johns (Oxford), Christopher Tyerman (Oxford), Marie Legendre (Aix-Marseille)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Oxford Centre for Global History Research Seminar Series
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence