Weaves, webs and flows
We consider “weaves” – loosely, a weave is a set of non-crossing cadlag paths that covers 1+1 dimensional space-time. Here, we do not require any particular distribution for the particle motions. Weaves are a general class of random processes, of which the Brownian web is a canonical example; just as Brownian motion is a canonical example of a (single) random path. It turns out that the space of weaves has an interesting geometric structure in its own right, which will be the focus of the talk. This structure provides key information that leads to an accessible theory of weak convergence for general weaves. Joint work with Jan Swart.
Date: 17 October 2022, 12:00
Venue: Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Venue Details: L5
Speaker: Nic Freeman (University of Sheffield)
Organising department: Department of Statistics
Organisers: Matthias Winkel (Department of Statistics, University of Oxford), Christina Goldschmidt (Department of Statistics, University of Oxford), James Martin (Department of Statistics, University of Oxford)
Part of: Probability seminar
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Christina Goldschmidt