Mapping the Academic Landscape

To attend this event, you must book a place. You are required to book because places are limited and they are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you book and later find you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking to enable someone else to take your place. You will be sent a reminder of your booked place nearer to the event and you will be notified if there are any changes to the event, for example a change in venue or time or if the event has to be cancelled for any reason. If you have any particular requirements, that may help you to access this event, then please do share them with us prior to attending by contacting or telephone 01865 274646.

This session will outline the roles available in the early stages of an academic career, what each job entails and progression prospects. We will also explore emerging trends in recruitment priorities within Higher Education institutions – both within the UK and internationally.

There will be opportunity for questions and feel free to bring your lunch.

To attend this event, you must book a place. You are required to book because places are limited and they are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you book and later find you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking to enable someone else to take your place. You will be sent a reminder of your booked place nearer to the event and you will be notified if there are any changes to the event, for example a change in venue or time or if the event has to be cancelled for any reason. If you have any particular requirements, that may help you to access this event, then please do share them with us prior to attending by contacting or telephone 01865 274646.

Bookings will remain open right up to an hour before each event, unless the booking numbers have been reached earlier.

To book your place login to CareerConnect and search for the event, then click on ‘Book Now’.