Telling Stories That Matter: Communicating Your Research Through Story
Discover what elements of storytelling and narrative can be used to enhance a profession in the sciences. Craft compelling and moving stories from your experiences as a scientist using these key story elements: character, conflict, structure, metaphor and description. Apply these storytelling and narrative skills to working in the sciences: communicating research to a range of audiences (including publics, media and funding bodies); enhancing presentation skills; telling scientific stories across a range of media. Robert Holtom is a professional storyteller and consultant who has worked with a range of organisations to help them refine and hone their stories for a variety of audiences.

This session will be repeated on 21 May.
Date: 17 May 2021, 10:00 (Monday, 4th week, Trinity 2021)
Venue: Link to join session will be emailed in advance
Speaker: Robert Holtom (Narrative Coach)
Organising department: Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Michaela Livingstone-Banks