Evidence-Based Manifesto for better healthcare
Patients are being let down by serious flaws in the creation, dissemination, and implementation of medical research. Too much of the resulting research evidence is withheld or disseminated only piecemeal. As the volume of clinical research activity has grown, the quality of evidence has often worsened, which has compromised medicine’s ability to provide affordable, effective, high-value care for patients.

Professor Carl Heneghan will discuss the CEBM initiatives that have grown out of EBM Live, a yearly conference designed to “develop, disseminate, and implement better evidence for better healthcare.

Professor Carl Heneghan is Director of CEBM, and an NHS Urgent Care GP, and has been interested for over twenty years in how we can use evidence in real world practice. In preparation for this talk you are invited to read the following: doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j2973.
Date: 8 October 2018, 17:30
Venue: Rewley House, 1-7 Wellington Square OX1 2JA
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof Carl Heneghan (CEBM Oxford University)
Organising department: Department for Continuing Education
Organiser: Robin Beachy (University of Oxford, Department for Continuing Education)
Organiser contact email address: cpdhealthadmin@conted.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Evidence-Based Health Care Programme
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/evidence-based-manifesto-for-better-healthcare-tickets-50359752375
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Robin Beachy