The Future of Cities: an online discussion on how research can shape the cities of the future
This event brings together academia and business to explore how we can address some of the biggest challenges facing future cities. You will hear from business experts and world-leading academics in urban sustainability, transport, real estate and energy, helping you to reflect on how your own research could shape the development of cities and the potential areas for collaboration with business in your current or future research or career path.
The panel discussion will focus on how industry and academia work collaboratively for mutual benefit; ensuring that academic expertise informs business development, and that businesses’ real-world challenges are explored in academic research. Attendees are invited to join the discussion and help us explore how business and academia can contribute to the cities of the future being smart, energy efficient, environmentally sustainable, and promoting equality and active citizenship, while addressing population growth and rising urbanisation.
This event is targeted at postgraduate (taught and research) Master students, PhD students and early career researchers, as well as academics more advanced in their careers.
18 February 2021, 14:00 (Thursday, 5th week, Hilary 2021)
Ms Melanie Bryce (Oxfordshire Programme Director, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks),
Dr Sara Candiracci (Associate Director Inclusive and Sustainable Cities Lead/International Development, Arup),
Prof Michael Keith (University of Oxford),
Prof Kathy Pain (Professor of Real Estate Development and Co-Director of the Globalization & World Cities (GaWC) Research Network, University of Reading),
Dr Divya Sharma (Executive Director, The Climate Group),
Professor Tim Schwanen (Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Organising department:
Social Sciences Division
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Members of the University only
Elizabeth Crawford