Linked Data and Digital Scholarship lunchtime workshop

Talks - 11 - 12.30 Lunch will be provided from 12.30 - 2

Hear from researchers about the different ways linked data can be used in research. Whether you’re an expert in the field or just interested in finding out more, there will be a range of talks on topics across digital scholarship.

Dr Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller is Dr Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller (Australian National University and Gale Asia Pacific Digital Humanities Oxford Fellow) is a Digital Humanities specialist and will speak about her Gale Fellowship project, using Linked Data to research social networks in Australian political history.

Dr Andrew Cusworth is the operations manager for Digital Scholarship at Oxford, and will be speaking about his work in linked data and Welsh music.

Dr Kristen Schuster, Lecturer in Digital Curation at King’s College London, will be talking about teaching data structuring for linked data systems