High Hopes: Experimental Evidence on Financial Access and the Transition to High School in Kenya
This workshop will be held using Zoom, link below. Details will be sent once registered.
Abstract not yet added
Date: 25 November 2020, 16:00 (Wednesday, 7th week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: Register here - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/9416057086897/WN_ootuVM8tTZ2gh4oSdlboJA
Speaker: James Habyarimana (Georgetown University)
Organising department: Department of Economics
Organisers: Emma Riley (Department of Economics, University of Oxford), Margaryta Klymak (Department of International Development), Lukas Hensel (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: suzanne.george@economics.ox.ac.uk
Part of: CSAE Development Economics Webinar Series
Booking required?: Required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Suzanne George, Sameer Pathak, Cara Shelton