From Academic Research to Finance: Quantitative Researchers, Analysts, Traders, and Consultants
Researchers with strong analytical and quantitative skills are sought after in the Finance sector, with roles in quantitative research, software development, and strategic analysis all directly utilising experience built in academia.

Our panellists will share insights into the day-to-day realities of careers in finance, and share how they have built and utilised their research skills to ensure a successful career transition beyond academia.

Dr Mark Van Loon, Senior Quantitative Researcher, G-Research: My work as a quant at G-Research focuses on forecasting financial markets by analyzing large datasets using statistical and machine learning models. Before working at G-Research, I did an undergraduate Master of Mathematics degree, followed by a DPhil in Mathematics, both here in Oxford. My DPhil research was in the Mathematical Physics group and focused on conformal field theories, showing properties of several such theories by analyzing the conformal bootstrap equation in appropriate limits. I joined G-Research after my DPhil, having spent ten weeks as an intern before joining in a permanent role.

Dr Daniel Moss, Quantitative Researcher, SIG Sasquehanna International Group: As a quantitative researcher at SIG, I work on a team which processes a rich landscape of data, to deepen our understanding of the financial markets in which we operate, and to leverage this understanding to find novel competitive advantages for improving our trading. I use the analytical and practical skills developed during my DPhil studies on a daily basis to probe novel research directions and reach actionable conclusions. Prior to joining SIG, I completed my BA and MMath in mathematics at Cambridge, before moving over to Oxford to complete a DPhil in Statistics with the StatML CDT. My DPhil research emphasized statistical theory, especially for the Bayesian estimation of semiparametric HMMs, but ventured also towards more applied work in Bayesian modelling of conflict. During my time at Oxford, I spent a year as a stipendiary lecturer at Trinity College, and I also spent a summer as a quant research intern at SIG, before deciding to return full time after completing my studies.
Date: 20 March 2024, 16:00 (Wednesday, 10th week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: Online
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Careers Service
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Careers Beyond Academia: Options and Pathways for Researchers
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Fiona Sinclair