The Art and Science of Making Improvements in Healthcare
Part of the Management in Medicine Programme.

Most healthcare workers recognise the need to make improvements in clinical pathways, processes, systems, and outcomes. So do their patients. Yet making these improvements often feels impossible alongside the challenges of day-to-day work and in the complex cultures of healthcare organisations.

This interactive workshop is for anyone who has ever wished they knew more about the science of healthcare improvement and the art of leading change in organisations. It will be led by Dr Anny Sykes, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Director of Clinical Improvement, and Consultant in Respiratory Medicine; and Dr Tony Berendt, Organisational Consultant and former Medical Director, and Consultant in Infectious Diseases, at OUH.

The Management in Medicine Programme has been established by the Fellows of Green Templeton College to help clinicians in training and postgraduate students with an interest in healthcare management develop their management and leadership skills.

For more information please contact

EP Abraham Lecture Theatre
Green Templeton College
43 Woodstock Road
Date: 8 February 2020, 9:30 (Saturday, 3rd week, Hilary 2020)
Venue: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HG
Venue Details: EP Abraham Lecture Theatre
Speakers: Dr Tony Berendt, Dr Anny Sykes (Oxford University Hospitals)
Organising department: Green Templeton College
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Management in Medicine seminar seies
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: free
Audience: Public
Editor: Georgia Hole