Museum Late Night: 'Connected Worlds' at the Pitt Rivers Museum and Museum of Natural History
Come and explore the connections with museum collections and Oxford University research through crafts, talks, games and stories.

At the Museum of Natural History learn from specialists about the interrelationship between Earth and life whilst enjoying music strolling around our illuminated exhibits and enjoy a drink at our bar.

Activities include the chance to make a connection to a tarantula, learn how big cats are tracked and how their conservation is connected to you, make a climate change fighting sea otter paperchain, handle specimens to find your connection to it, play ‘Guess the source of the next pandemic’, listen to accordion music inspired by earthworms, watch a genome being sequenced and find out how knowing which fly it belongs to could save lives, discover how volcanoes are responsible for you being here today, play board games, create forest art, find out how what you wear effects ecosystems or dress up as an insect to find out about pollination, plants and how all flowers just aren’t the same to a bumble bee!

Then pop into the Pitt Rivers to:

Find out how South American Indigenous resistance movements are using featherwork, facepaint and music as instruments of protest
Listen to stories of Evenki cosmology and shamanic tradition from the Siberian Arctic
Go behind the masks of Agaba masqueraders from the oil-rich Niger Delta with UNMASKED curator talks
Discover the stories of disabled people across time, through objects in the collections that have lain hidden or been overlooked in Curating for Change workshops
Hear live spoken word sets in the galleries from hip hop MC and poet Rawz
Go behind the scenes to see new acquisitions to the collections and enjoy music, lights and a bar

FREE but booking is required
Date: 5 May 2023, 19:00 (Friday, 2nd week, Trinity 2023)
Venue: Pitt Rivers Museum, South Parks Road OX1 3PP
Venue Details: and Museum of Natural History, Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3PW
Speaker: N/A
Organising department: Pitt Rivers Museum
Part of: The Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Belinda Clark