What can your shopping basket say about your health?

For our next talk, in the Digital Phenotyping seminar series, we will hear from Dr Anya Skatova, Director, Digital Footprints Lab, University of Bristol on Wednesday 31 July, 2:00 – 3:00pm, at the Big Data Institute (BDI).

Title: What can your shopping basket say about your health?

Date: Wednesday 31July 2024
Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Venue: BDI/OxPop, Seminar Room 0; followed by refreshments in the atrium

Abstract: Novel sources of population data, especially administrative and medical records, as well as the digital footprints generated through interactions with online services, present a considerable opportunity for advancing health research and policymaking. An illustrative example is shopping history records that can illuminate aspects of population health by scrutinizing extensive sets of everyday choices made in the real world. In this talk I will cover my work with ALSPAC on integrating shopping history records into databanks of longitudinal population studies, as well as potential that these linked datasets bring for population health.

Bio: Dr Anya Skatova is Director of Digital Footprints Lab at the University of Bristol and Turing Fellow. She is a behavioural scientist, and she studies how novel digital footprint data can be used to understand human behaviour and real-life outcomes, such as health. You can find more information about Digital Footprints Lab and group’s research here: digifootprints.co.uk

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