Naz Shah MP in conversation
Join Worcester College Provost, David Isaac CBE, as he interviews leading role models about their lives and careers. Naz Shah MP has been the Labour Member of Parliament for Bradford West since 2015 and served in the Shadow Cabinet between 2018 and 2023. A former carer, NHS commissioner and mental health charity chair, Shah entered Parliament to advocate for women’s rights. Born in Bradford, she was sent to Pakistan at the age of 12 to escape her mother’s violent partner, where she was forced into an arranged marriage. Her mother was later jailed for killing the man who abused her and Shah worked with Southall Black Sisters to campaign for her release.
Date: 15 November 2024, 17:30 (Friday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2024)
Venue: Worcester College, Walton Street OX1 2HB
Venue Details: Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre
Speakers: Naz Shah (Member of Parliament), David Isaac CBE
Organising department: Worcester College
Organiser: David Isaac CBE
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Provost's Role Models
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Nathan Stazicker