Scandals and Preferences for Financial Regulation
We present results of a three-wave, six-country (Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States) survey project that investigates how media coverage influences people’s preferences for financial regulation. We test a variety of frames built around actual financial scandals, using language that appeared in the media to describe these scandals. In wave 2, we find that political frames of the scandal influence regulatory attitudes more than either non-political scandals or scandals that focus on the wrongs done to individual victims. Among the political frames, we find that a discussion of scandal based around the idea of political capture by financial institutions changes preferences in more countries than a partisan frame (whether left or right). In wave 3, using different versions of the political capture treatment and different scandals, we replicate the findings of the capture scandal from wave 2 in three out of the six countries.
Date: 1 December 2020, 12:30 (Tuesday, 8th week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: The Marquee, Nuffield College and Online
Speaker: Pepper Culpepper (Nuffield College)
Organising department: Nuffield College
Organisers: Jane Green (Nuffield College), Pepper Culpepper (Nuffield College)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Nuffield College Political Science Seminars
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Maxine Collett