In this edition of the OICSD Research Showcase, our Masters’ scholars will present their research to the centre’s network. The presentations will cover a wide range of interdisciplinary topics including space governance, water management in Kashmir, mental health, women’s political participation, literary criticism, laws and policies on forest management, gender and development of environment-friendly battery technology.
Environment, Policy and its Impact
Between Infrastructure and Environment: Situating the Displaced within Indian Land Acquisition Discourse – Nikhil Kothakota (Law)
The Silent Crisis: Protecting Kashmir’s Freshwater Springs – Tabina Manzoor (SoGE)
Evolution of Forest Policy and Community Engagement in India – Naga Sathish
Interrogating Progressivism
It’s Not the Glass Ceiling. Systems are Broken – Kanksshi Agarwal (BSG)
A Literary History of Afro-Asian Solidarity: 20th Century Progressive Thought in South Asia (1890-1990) (OSGA & AMES)
Assessing New Frontiers
Protection Without Prosecution? Assessing the Adequacy of Civil Remedies for Marital Sexual Violence in India – Mahek Bhatia (Criminology)
Securing the Final Frontier: India, Star Wars and Regulating Space Militarisation – Adhithya Variath (ODID)
Health & Innovation
Understanding Common Mental Disorders in Rural India – Dr Gladson Vaghela (NDPH)
The Study of Lithium Garnet Electrolytes – Karthik Ganesh (Chemistry)