Climate change and poverty | A photo-sound exhibition followed by panel discussion
A photography and surround sound exhibition about climate change and water in rural Ethiopia followed by a panel discussion.

This event is a unique opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners to engage in a critical discussion about climate change and global inequalities. We will talk about climate impacts, adaptation, and solutions, including how we can better communicate the science to raise awareness and encourage change.

Photographer: Alice Chautard, University of Oxford; Sound designer: Nicholas O’Brien, Upcycled Sounds

Tickets are free but to give us an idea of the number of attendees, please register.
Date: 5 November 2019, 18:00 (Tuesday, 4th week, Michaelmas 2019)
Venue: Fusion Arts, 44B Prince Street (East Oxford)
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: School of Geography and the Environment
Organiser: Alice Chautard (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Chris White, Helen Morley, Donna Palfreman