Digital health devices: how mobile computing and communication are shaping the future of health care
Professor Andrew Farmer is a General Practitioner and researcher based at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. He will focus his talk on care for people with long-term health conditions and on the prospects for using new technologies for improving their health. Why is it taking so long for mobile devices to become part of routine health care? What are the implications for privacy around use of electronic data to support health care? Can wearable monitoring devices replace regular visits to the nurse or doctor?
Date: 7 July 2016, 18:15 (Thursday, 11th week, Trinity 2016)
Venue: Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Headington OX3 7LD
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre Level 1
Speaker: Prof Andrew Farmer (University of Oxford, Dept of Primary Care Health Sciences)
Organiser: NIHR Oxford BRC
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Public
Editors: Dan Richards-Doran, Alison Brindle