Weinrebe Lecture: Michael Ignatieff on Life-Writing, in conversation with Hermione Lee
Please note: this event does takes place in London, not in Oxford.
Join OCLW and the Department of English and Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, our Spring 2024 Weinrebe Lecture.

This very special event will be an in conversation between Michael Ignatieff and Hermione Lee, including some readings by Michael, followed by an audience Q&A at the end. Please join us for drinks following the event.

Michael Ignatieff is a writer, historian, biographer and former politician, currently Rector Emeritus and Professor of History at Central European University, Vienna. His biography of Isaiah Berlin has recently been re-issued by Pushkin Press, and his books include The Needs of Strangers, (1984), Blood and Belonging (1993), The Warrior’s Honour (1998), The Lesser Evil (2004), and On Consolation (2021)

Both biography and memoir are fictions—narratives constructed after the fact from documents, interviews, recollections and memory. Their relation to truth is uncertain and unstable. Michael Ignatieff has written both biography and memoir and is looking forward to the chance to talk with Hermione Lee, herself a biographer and memoirist, about the vexed question of truth in both genres.
Date: 15 February 2024, 17:30 (Thursday, 5th week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: Professor Stuart Hall Building, LG02
Speakers: Professor Hermione Lee, Michael Ignatieff (Rector, Central European University)
Organising department: Oxford Centre for Life-Writing
Organiser: Oxford Centre for Life Writing
Organiser contact email address: admin.oclw@wolfson.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://oclw.web.ox.ac.uk/event/michael-ignatieff
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Anna Senkiw