"Diagnostics for high consequence infections: Discovery to market"

Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change

This talk is for PSI staff and students. Members of the University who are not at the PSI are welcome to join, but please contact us beforehand to let us know (events.psi@ndm.ox.ac.uk).

Diagnostics impact every part of a pandemic from testing of the first case and upscale during outbreaks to confirmation of elimination and surveillance. Dr Adams will talk about her work in diagnostic discovery, development and evaluation in pandemic related disease. She will highlight the challenges of getting tests to market and the value of partnerships.

Dr. Emily Adams is a leading expert in diagnostics for infectious diseases and the diagnostics lead at the Centre for Drugs and Diagnostics (CDD) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM). Her work focuses on developing and evaluating point-of-care diagnostics and molecular tests for infectious diseases, particularly in community settings. Dr. Adams collaborates with a range of diagnostic companies to address emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. Her projects span multiple countries, including field evaluations for diseases like Zika, HIV, Malaria, and Leishmaniasis. Dr. Adams has consulted for WHO and the Gates Foundation, contributing to global efforts in diagnostic development and epidemic response.

The seminar will take place from 12:00 to 13:00 in the BDI building, seminar rooms, followed by lunch and networking from 13:00 to 14:00.