Oxford Viromics Symposium
Oxford Viromics is an initiative among Oxford researchers to promote accessibility of virus genomics data and methods for its analysis. The initiative has existed formally for a couple of years, and now seems a good time to bring people together in a Symposium to showcase progress and think about where we could go from here.
The idea of the Symposium is to bring together all the people doing virus genomics in Oxford. The aims are to examine how virus genome data can begin to address problems posed by viruses, and how we generate the data and analyse it. The overarching theme is really one of optimism that we are beginning to assemble the required tools and do the important studies.
The event is primarily intended for Oxford researchers and clinicians, but others are welcome.
Oxford Viromics Symposium – 11 January 2019
Oxford Martin School
Agenda – Register by 7th January 2019 on: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oxford-viromics-symposium-tickets-53134539839
0930 Tea and Coffee on Arrival
1000 Welcome and Introduction
Session 1 – Clinical Translation
Chair: TBC
1020 Cyndi Goh and Tanya Golubchik Diagnostic Metagenomics in CHIMES and GAINS
1100 Tamyo Mbisa Challenges of introducing viral WGS in the clinical pathway
1120 Craig Thompson Deja flu: the antigenic evolution of influenza
1140 David Smith Using whole-genome sequencing of the hepatitis C virus to identify anti-viral resistance
1200 Lunch
Session II – Epidemiology and Public Health
Chair: Ellie Barnes
1240 David Bonsall A comprehensive genomic solution for HIV surveillance and individualised patient care
1300 Christophe Fraser What will it take to control HIV? Insights from viral genomics
1340 Sarah Hill Real-time, portable sequencing and genomic epidemiology of arboviruses
1400 Gu-Lung Lin Targeted metagenomics in RESCEU study: Whole genome reconstruction of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and co-detection of other pathogens in clinical samples
1420 Philippa Matthews HBV – TBC
1440 Afternoon Tea
Session III – Virus in host studies
Chair: TBC
1500 Katrina Lythgoe Within-host evolution and transmission of chronic viruses
1520 Mathew Jones Good things come to those who bait: Parallel HIV proviral DNA sequence and integration site analysis
1540 Nick Grayson In utero mother-to-child transmission of HIV in KwaZulu-Natal
Session IV – Methods
Chair: TBC
1600 Peter Simmonds Virus taxonomy in the age of metagenomics
1615 Mariateresa de Cesare Technology outlook
1630 Discussion Should methods inform questions, or questions
Inform methods?
1700 Close
11 January 2019, 9:30
Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street OX1 3BD
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department:
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Katrina Lythgoe (Oxford Big Data Institute),
Rory Bowden (Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics)
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Members of the University only
Kate Kwok