A Ready Made killer: Preconfiguration of the chromatin landscape and fate determination for virus-specific CD8+ killer T cells
A consequence of naive CD8+ T cell activation is specific changes in phenotype, proliferation and acquisition of lineage-specific function. The precise gene regulatory mechanisms that control these changes are largely unknown. Using a combination of genome wide sequencing approaches we have examined the wholesale changes in both 3D structure and biochemical modifications associated with virus-specific CD8+ T cell differentiation in response to infection. Our data suggests that lineage-specific fate determination is largely preconfigured, or poised, within mature naive virus-specific CD8+ T cells. More importantly our data suggest that effector differentiation is in fact actively restrained within the naive state by specific molecular mechanisms, with T cell activation resulting in release of this molecular handbrake that triggers transcriptional activation of a highly regulated differentiation program that underpins induction of an optimal effector killer T cell response. Understanding these mechanisms is key for understanding not only how optimal CD8+ T cell effector function is established but it has implications for our understanding of how immunological memory is established, and how we may modulate this process for therapeutic gain.
21 November 2018, 13:30 (Wednesday, 7th week, Michaelmas 2018)
MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details:
WIMM Seminar Room
Professor Stephen Turner (Monash University)
Organising department:
MRC Human Immunology Unit
Anne Farmer (University of Oxford, NDM Experimental Medicine, RDM Investigative Medicine Division),
Anne Farmer
Organiser contact email address:
Professor Graham Ogg (University of Oxford)
Part of:
MRC TIDU Wednesday Seminar Series
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Renata Sojka