Join Oxford University International Relations Society and Dr Matthew Sterling Benson (LSE) for a discussion on the impact of British-led colonialism on the two Sudans. Dr Benson is a social and economic historian of Africa in the Conflict & Civicness Research Group (CCRG) at the London School of Economics and Political Science researching changing global conflict and peace dynamics. He is a Research Fellow within the CCRG and the Sudans Research Director, leading research in both Sudans. Dr Benson’s research and publications examine how revenue raising practices in Sudan and South Sudan from the start of British-led colonial occupation, into rebel-rule, through to the present contributed to states that work better for a minority in power rather than most people in either country. Additionally, Dr Benson is the Editorial Director for Boy Brother Friend, a print publication and digital platform examining the Black Atlantic and other diasporas through contemporary art, fashion, and theory.