Campion Lecture, Hilary Term 2025: ‘Stability, Security and Solidarity Stretched Thin: Reflections on “Social Cohesion” in Lebanon’

Campion Hall, University of Oxford has the privilege of welcoming Dr Cory Rodgers to deliver the Campion Lecture, ‘Stability, Security and Solidarity Stretched Thin: Reflections on “Social Cohesion” in Lebanon’ on Tuesday 4th March at 5.15pm, GMT. The lecture will be held at Campion Hall and will also be live streamed. This lecture offers attendees the opportunity to hear Dr Cory Rodgers consider what the recent conflict has revealed about the state of “cohesion” in Lebanon. Drawing on case studies of community interventions, he considers how various definitions of “social cohesion” used by peace, development and humanitarian actors do or do not capture the prevailing concerns about stability, security and solidarity for different groups, including citizens, refugees and other migrants.