The Sudanese Programme - Youth, Inclusivity and Participation in Politics, the Economy and Society
Further information of all our events, past and upcoming, is available through our website including the speaker list and topics of conversation for 22nd May 2021.

Youth, Inclusivity and Participation in Politics, the Economy and Society in the Republics of Sudan and South Sudan

Zoom Webinar – Saturday 22nd May 2021, 3.00 pm GMT
Elizabeth Achu C. Jervase (Economist, Research Assistant and a Permanent Fellow of the United States Institute for Peace-USIP)
Foreign Aid in Fragile States; Opportunities and Challenges; the Case of
the Republic of South Sudan

Hanin Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed (Founder of Youth Coalition to Support Peace and Economic Development)
Women and Youth Political Participation; Priorities and Challenges. The Case of
the Republic of Sudan

Bush Buse Laki (Programme Coordinator of Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative, Youth Activist and Co-Founder of Take Tea Together)
The Role of Youth in Nation Building- the Republics of South Sudan and Sudan

Abalo Irene Jerry Fabiano (South Sudan Women Intellectuals Forum)
Sustainable Ways of Eradicating Energy Poverty in the Republic of
South Sudan

Moram Nafaa (Administrative Sector, Churchill Hospital, Oxford and graduate in International Relations and Politics, University of Northampton)
Women, Young Girls and FGM in the Republic of Sudan

Thouiba Galad (Political Activist, Migration Expert and formerly EU Migration Manager)
Migration and Development in the Republic of Sudan (provisional)
Noon Altijani (Green Templeton College, Oxford University)
Challenges to Improving Maternal Health in the Republic of Sudan

Amal Osman (Co-Founder of the Creative Writing from the Sudan project, Writer and M.A. Student in Education and International Development at University College, London University)
The Power of the Creative Arts in Giving Youth a Voice and Path to Political Participation in the Republic of Sudan

Mohammed Sharfi (Independent Researcher)
The Changing Political Landscape and the Youth Aspect Dynamics in the Republic of Sudan
Date: 22 May 2021, 16:00 (Saturday, 4th week, Trinity 2021)
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Middle East Centre
Organiser: Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi (Director, Sudanese Programme)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi (Director, Sudanese Programme)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: FREE
Audience: Public
Editor: Stacey Churcher