Spontaneous and targeted disruption of thymus development and function: Lessons learnt
Abstract not yet added
Date: 23 November 2018, 9:15 (Friday, 7th week, Michaelmas 2018)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: WIMM Seminar Room
Speakers: Wei Wu (Holländer Group, University of Oxford), Ioanna Rota (Holländer Group, University of Oxford), Prof Georg Holländer (Department of Paediatrics,University of Oxford), Stanley Cheuk (Holländer Group, University of Oxford)
Organising department: MRC Human Immunology Unit
Organiser: Anne Farmer (MRC Human Immunology Unit)
Organiser contact email address: anne.farmer@imm.ox.ac.uk
Part of: MRC TIDU Friday Morning Lab Meetings
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Renata Sojka