Unlock the power of ARC High-Performance Computing cluster, enable complex computations, big data handling and transform your data analysis workflows
14:00-14:30 Networking with the ARC HPC team

Food and coffee will be provided during the networking session


Yassamine Mather on using the HPC cluster to transform your data analysis
Tina Friedrich on big data handling

We encourage in-person attendance

Organised by the Clinical Neurosciences Society
Date: 5 February 2025, 14:00
Venue: John Radcliffe West Wing and Children's Hospital, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Seminar Room A, Level 6, West Wing
Speakers: Yassamine Mather (University of Oxford), Tina Freidrich
Organising department: Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Organiser: Georgios Baskozos (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: georgios.baskozos@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
Part of: NDCN Graduate Seminars
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/2e15d134-5136-4309-8c84-173fd703b5c2@cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Leusa Lloyd