Day 1: Conference - Veiled Cities: Haunted Urban Realities in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries


09:00-09:30 Registration and welcome by organisers Juliet Simpson and David Hopkin

09:30-11:00 1st morning panel, ‘Uncanny Observers’:
Vesna Elez, Who is the Old Man in Baudelaire’s “Les Sept Vieillards”?
Raphaella Serfaty, The Construction of Illegible Urban Space in Honoré Daumier’s Caricatures

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-13:00 2nd morning panel, ‘Haunted Cities, Urban Ecstasies’:
Karl Bell, In Search of Urban Ecstasies: Mystical Desire in Arthur Machen’s London
Elizabeth Benjamin, The Frosted Veil: Shifting Identities in the Haunted City of Nancy

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:30 1st afternoon panel, ‘Glimpsed Cities in Parables and Poets’:
Elisabeth Rodini, Through Giggi’s Front Door: Searching for Rome in Parables and Poetry
Dagmar Thielen, “Mon Coeur pleure d’autrefois…”: Bruges as a Centre for Cultural Memory and Identity in the Work of Fernand Khnopff and Grégoire Le Roy

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:30 2nd afternoon panel, ‘Colonial Spirits, Entangled Sites’:
Nuno Grancho, Diu Must Pray. Public and Private Rituals, Performance and Display
Kavita Peterson, Filling in the Blanks: Excavating Colonial Berlin

17:30 onwards, wine reception at the Maison Française d’Oxford

19:15 Speakers’ dinner at Hertford College (Catte Street, Oxford OX1 3BW)