SoGE Impact Day
We’d like to remind you of the SoGE Impact Day happening on Tuesday 13th June. Please see the schedule of the day below – taking place in the East Lab and the Diversity Room, the event will be run on a drop-in basis, so you can attend as much (or as little) as you like. If you would be interested in coming along, please do fill in this expression of interest by Monday 5th so we can provide enough tea, coffee and lunch for all.

If anyone wishes to contribute to the Exhibition, please let us know by the end of this week! It could be an object relating to your work, some photos of a project you’ve been involved in, or something interactive – we’d love to hear from you. Many thanks to those who’ve already contributed to the Exhibition.
SoGE Impact Day

Throughout the day: Engagement and Impact Exhibition – East Lab
Drop-in to discover videos, artefacts and other items that showcase the brilliant engagement with external audiences going on around the SoGE.

10.00-11.45 – East Lab – Drop-in Session with engagement and impact experts

Come along and chat to an expert about a particular engagement and impact topic that you would like advice/support with. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits to facilitate your creativity!

You can speak experts in a wide range of areas of engagement and impact including:

Francesca Richards (Research Impact Facilitator, SoGE)
Tom Korff (Senior Engagement and Impact Facilitator, SSD)
Becky Launchbury (ESRC Impact Acceleration Account)
Helena Channon-Wells (Innovation and Business Engagement)
Alison Crompton (Innovation Co-ordinator)
Will Pryor (Policy Engagement)
Rebecca Glenapp (Oxford University Innovation)

This is a great opportunity to understand the range of support across the university and build a relationship with the right people. The team above all work closely together, so if one ‘booth’ is busy please don’t be shy about talking to someone else instead – they’ll all be working to connect researchers with the right support after the event.

Whether it’s finding the right engagement pathway for you, planning for impact, funding opportunities, or a chance to think about the potential of your work in a new way – this drop-in could help you get the ball rolling.

12.00-13.00 – Diversity Room – Engaging Conversations: working with the media for public engagement

The right research engagement can change the world. But how does it happen? Hear from 3 key perspectives and ask all your questions on media engagement to renowned former BBC Science Editor and front-line journalist David Shukman, Oxford Smith School Head of Strategic Communications Lucy Erickson, andDr Alice Watson, ESRC Post-Doctoral Fellow, whose work investigates public engagement with media and popular culture including through podcasts and radio.

13.00 – 14.30 – East Lab – Engagement and Impact Exhibition, Lunch and End of Term Celebrations

The Head of School will be inviting us back to the East Lab to socialise over refreshments and to celebrate the (almost) end of the academic year and all of the fantastic engagement and impact that has been happening around the department.

Browse the exhibition, look out for the great video showcase which will be running, and meet colleagues from across the School to share your inspiration and experiences of working with audiences outside academia.

We hope to see many of you there!
Date: 13 June 2023, 10:00
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser: Anita GHosh and Laura Gisseleire (OUCE)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Chris White, Donna Palfreman