OSSG: Reflexive Control: Influencing Strategic Behaviour
We’re excited to have Maria de Goeij Reid presenting Reflexive Control: Influencing Strategic Behaviour. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 28th in the Old Library at All Souls College at 8:30pm. As always, there will be a wine reception prior to the event, starting at 8pm.

Maria is a senior associate at the Changing Character of War Centre at Oxford University. Before joining the CCW, Maria led a team of intelligence analysts at TRSSI, a subsidiary of Thomson Reuters. She has been working as a consultant and advisor in both the public and private sector.

Her latest article on the topic of complex adaptive systems and the analysis and influence of strategic behaviour was published in the Army War College Quarterly. She is currently working on a book chapter about economic statecraft from the perspective of systemic influence.
Date: 28 May 2024, 20:30 (Tuesday, 6th week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Main access to the Old Library is via a steep staircase. Arrangements can be made for those with limited mobility to use a stairlift and a Fellow’s room to gain access. Please let us know if you require this type of assistance.
Speaker: Maria de Goeij (CCW)
Organiser contact email address: benjamin.smith@wolfson.ox.ac.uk
Part of: OSSG Weekly Talks
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Benjamin Smith