Digitising Critical Pedagogies Amidst COVID-19
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has exposed vulnerabilities in our in-person teaching models and pressed us to quickly move content online. Yet, thoughtful efforts must be made to ensure that rapid digitisations do not reify long-standing educational and knowledge inequalities. In this webinar, we consider how scholars are engaging with critical pedagogies, including anti-racist and anti-imperialist approaches, in the time of COVID-19. Panellists joining the discussion:

Derek Ford (Education, DePauw)
Holly Oberle (Political Science, Wenzhou-Kean University)
Farhana Sultana (Geography, Syracuse)
Sayan Dey (English, Royal University of Bhutan)
Lesley Nelson-Addy (Education, Oxford)

Dr. Sneha Krishnan will act as discussant. The event is sponsored by the Political Worlds Research Cluster at the School of Geography and the Environment and co-organised by Dr. Amber Murrey, Associate Professor of Human Geography at Oxford (amber.murrey-ndewa@ouce.ox.ac.uk) and Dr. Steven Puttick, Associate Professor of Education at Oxford (steven.puttick@education.ox.ac.uk).
Date: 6 May 2020, 15:00 (Wednesday, 2nd week, Trinity 2020)
Venue: Venue to be announced
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: School of Geography and the Environment
Organisers: Dr. Steven Puttick (University of Oxford), Dr Amber Murrey (SoGE)
Organiser contact email address: amber.murrey-ndewa@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/pw/
Booking email: amber.murrey-ndewa@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Public
Editor: Amber Murrey