Upton Lecture 2023: Fake news, learning from Spinoza
Professor James will explore how the work of 17th century Dutch-born philosopher Baruch Spinoza can help us to examine questions of truth in our own time.

The Upton Lecture is named after Charles Barnes Upton, Professor of Philosophy at the College between 1875-1903. The lecture is held annually and alternates between philosophical and religious themes. This year’s lecture has been made possible by the generous support of The Sekyra Foundation.
Date: 14 November 2023, 17:15 (Tuesday, 6th week, Michaelmas 2023)
Venue: Harris Manchester College, Mansfield Road OX1 3TD
Venue Details: The Chapel
Speaker: Professor Susan James (Birkbeck, University of London)
Organising department: Harris Manchester College
Organiser: Kate Wilson (Harris Manchester College)
Organiser contact email address: kate.wilson@hmc.ox.ac.uk
Host: Professor Jane Shaw (Harris Manchester College, Oxford)
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/upton-lecture-2023-fake-news-learning-from-spinoza-with-susan-james-tickets-719827161417?aff=oddtdtcreator
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Kate Wilson