Spanish diplomats navigating foreign courts: transcultural agents?
Attendance is free. The PDFs of the three readings on which each session will be based can be obtained writing to
Carrió-Invernizzi, D., ‘A new diplomatic history and the networks of Spanish diplomacy in the Baroque era’, International History Review 36, no. 4 (2014): 603-618.

Dandelet, T., Spanish Rome, 1500-1700 (2001), Ch. 1 (Foundations, 16-33).

Warnicke, R.‘Diplomatic rumor-mongering: an analysis of Mendoza’s on Elizabeth I’s audience with Scottish ambassadors in 1583’, in Law and sovereignty in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. Robert S. Sturges (2011), 115-131.
Date: 9 May 2018, 14:00 (Wednesday, 3rd week, Trinity 2018)
Venue: Maddicott Room, Cohen Quad (new building of Exeter College in Walton St)
Speaker: Various Speakers
Part of: Reading Group on Early Modern Iberian History
Booking required?: Not required
Booking email:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence