ATTUNE's 2nd Impact and Dissemination Conference
Welcome to ATTUNE’s 2nd Impact and Dissemination Conference!

ATTUNE is a 4-year programme of transdisciplinary research across both arts-based research, social science and health research. We are working with 10–24-year old children and young people across Cornwall, Kent, London, Oxford and Leeds who have experienced multiple adversities, that risk poor mental health. PI: Professor Kam Bhui and the Co-PI: Professor Eunice Ma.

On Friday 4th October, 10.00am – 4.00pm, we would like to invite you to the second ATTUNE Impact and Dissemination Conference at the Richard Doll Lecture Theatre, Oxford, where the research team and young people will showcase our co-designed resource about validation and our co-designed serious digital game based on clusters of different Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

This will be a very special event with young people, artists, policy makers and commissioners, parents and teachers, and health and social care experts coming together to consider the early insights, the potential impact areas and the next steps for the team of researchers and young people seeking to make a lasting difference in the world of today.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day.

The venue is fully accessible, with disabled parking directly outside the building and the lecture theatre is equipped with a hearing loop.
Date: 4 October 2024, 10:00 (Friday, -1st week, Michaelmas 2024)
Venue: Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus OX3 7LF
Venue Details: Richard Doll Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Various (See programme)
Organising department: Department of Psychiatry
Organisers: Minhua Eunice Ma (University of Oxford), Professor Kamaldeep Bhui (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Leusa Lloyd