OCS Talk: Jonathan Porritt
‘Jonathon is the Co-Founder of Forum for the Future, the UK’s leading sustainable development charity, and an eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development. His most recent book, The World We Made, was published in 2013.

Jonathon was formerly Director of Friends of the Earth (1984–1990) and Co-Chair of the Green Party (1980–1983), and is now a Non-Executive Director of Willmott Dixon Holdings. He has been Chancellor of Keele University since 2012. He’s a Trustee of the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, and is involved in the work of many NGOs and charities.’

Jonathon will be talking to us about our path towards a greener future, what he predicts will happen, whether he is hopeful and what we can do as the next generation of workers (or as those already in the workplace).
Date: 30 January 2017, 19:15
Venue: Turl Street Kitchen, Turl Street
Speaker: Jonathan Porritt
Organiser contact email address: alice.boyd@me.com
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ocs-talks-to-jonathon-porritt-environmentalist-writer-tickets-31443873472
Audience: Public
Editor: Alice Chautard