OxFOS25 - Economics and Experiments in Open Access Publishing

Part of the Oxford Forum of Open Scholarship 2025.

Talks by Martin Paul Eve, Janneke Adema and Ronald Snijder.

1. Collective Funding Models for Open Access Books

If anything is destined to dissuade scholars of the value of open access for books, it is, most likely, to be the imposition of an unrealistic Book Processing Charge. Yet, this is hardly the only way in which we can fund the publishing labour of open, digital scholarship. In this talk, Professor Martin Paul Eve will cover the histories of collective funding models for open access and set out a the challenges and opportunities that they present.

2. Exploring the Experimental Publishing Compendium: Tools, Practices, and Books to Promote the Publication of Experimental Scholarly Works

In this talk Janneke Adema (Centre for Postdigital Cultures/Open Book Futures Experimental Publishing Group) will introduce, map, and situate experimental book publishing in the context of the Humanities and Social Sciences. She will present the Experimental Publishing Compendium, which has been designed by the Experimental Publishing Group as part of the COPIM/OBF project and functions as a guide and reference for scholars, publishers, developers, librarians, and designers who want to challenge, push and redefine the shape, form and rationale of scholarly books (compendium.copim.ac.uk).

3. Speculative fiction: what’s next for OA books?

Ronald Snijder will speculate about the immediate future of open access books, based on his experience with the dissemination platforms OAPEN Library and Directory of Open Access Books. If we look at the current trends, what can we expect to see happening? And while AI will be mentioned, there are other developments that deserve more attention.