Advanced Effective Models in Elasticity

I will discuss two classes of effective, macroscopic models in elasticity: (i) 1D models applicable to thin structures, and (ii) homogenized 2D or 3D continua applicable to materials with a periodic microstructure. In both systems, the separation of scales calls for the definition of macroscopic models that slave fine-scale fluctuations to an effective, macroscopic deformation field. I will show how such models can be established in a systematic and rigorous way based on a two-scale expansion that accounts for nonlinear and higher-order (i.e. deformation gradient) effects. I will further demonstrate that the resulting models accurately predict nonlinear effects, finite size effects and localization for a set of examples. Finally, I will discuss two challenges that arise when solving these effective models: (1) missed boundary layer effects and (2) negative stiffness associated with higher-order terms.

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