Experimental Medicine in Depression
‘Experimental medicine in mood disorders’
This conference will provide an opportunity to hear and discuss the latest advances in experimental medicine in depression and bipolar disorders. We aim to gather the main international players with a view to establishing a community in which we can share novel research and discuss best ways forward for future research. The meeting will feature sessions centred around both paediatric and adult mood disorders for which we have an international panel of speakers lined-up. Interactive panel discussions will follow each session.
Date: 24 June 2019, 11:00
Venue: Wolfson College, Linton Road OX2 6UD
Speakers: Professor Catherine Harmer (Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford), Dr Michael Browning (Clinical Researcher & Hon. Consultant Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford ), Professor John Geddes (Head of University Department of Psychiatry, Oxford), Professor Martin Paulus (Scientific Director and President, Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, OK), Dr Andrea Reinecke (University of Oxford), Professor Paul Harrison (University of Oxford), Professor Lucy Bowes (University of Oxford), Professor Cathy Creswell (University of Oxford), Professor Carmine Pariante (Professor of Biological Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London ), Professor Anke Ehlers (Professor of Experimental Psychopathology & Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, University of Oxford ), Professor Emily Holmes (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden), Professor Mary Phillips (University of Pittsburgh), Professor Argyris Stringaris (NIMH), Professor Danny Pine (NIMH), Professor Sarah Jane Blakemore (UCL), Professor Diego Pizzagalli (Harvard), Dr Robin Carhart-Harris (Imperial College), Professor Wayne Drevets (J&J), Professor Amit Etkin (Stanford)
Organising department: Department of Psychiatry
Organiser: Dr Michael Browning (Clinical Researcher & Hon. Consultant Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford )
Organiser contact email address: michael.browning@psych.ox.ac.uk
Host: Dr Michael Browning (Clinical Researcher & Hon. Consultant Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford )
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/conferences-and-events/department-of-psychiatry/events/experimental-medicine-in-mood-disorders-meeting
Cost: Free (although the formal dinner on the Monday is not covered - payment can be made using the registration link for those who would like to attend)
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Katie Breeze