What we learned about returning research genetic results to patients in aortic clinic: A conversation with a Genomic Scientist and a Clinical Genetic Counsellor
The CPM welcomes Dr Cristen Willer, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics and Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and Rajani Aatre, Genetic Counsellor for Cardiovascular Medicine, both from the University of Michegan. The conversation will be chaired by CPM Junior Research Fellow Dr Nicky Whiffin.
Date: 22 June 2021, 17:00 (Tuesday, 9th week, Trinity 2021)
Venue: This talk will take place on Zoom
Speakers: Dr Cristen J. Willer (University of Michigan), Rajani Aatre (University of Michigan)
Organising department: Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Organisers: Catherine Lidbetter (Centre for Personalised Medicine), Thea Perry (Centre for Personalised Medicine)
Organiser contact email address: cpm@well.ox.ac.uk
Hosts: Catherine Lidbetter (Centre for Personalised Medicine), Thea Perry (Centre for Personalised Medicine)
Part of: Centre for Personalised Medicine Seminars
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NSQU7STSQrKSeXr5iveD8Q
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Thea Perry