The Storyteller, the Audience, and the Art of Communication
Note new time of 1730.
For thousands of years, storytelling and the oral tradition, have been keyways humans communicate life experiences. It helps us make sense of the world, connect, and share information, linking reality with infinite possibilities. The magic of the storyteller is to engage the imagination of the audience, and transport them into different realities.

How do you build this relationship with the audience?

In this fun workshop, we will explore the ways the storyteller engages their audience as the energy flows between both.
Date: 30 January 2023, 17:30 (Monday, 3rd week, Hilary 2023)
Venue: Kellogg College, 62 Banbury Road OX2 6PN
Venue Details: Hub
Speaker: Joy Richardson
Organiser: Leah Clark (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Leah Clark